We're delighted to be back touring schools and colleges in West Yorkshire with our Acting and Actor Musician students, bringing live theatre to your learners.

This Autumn we're presenting an exciting double-bill of shows to connect with curricula and show how productions can be conversations and critiques of each other.  


The Crucible

by Arthur Miller

A witch hunt in underway in Salem, where truth itself is on trial…


Leeds Conservatoire return to present the Miller masterpiece that dramatizes the famed Salem witch trials of Massachusetts.  This amateur production is presented by arrangement with Music Theatre International on behalf of Josef Weinberger Ltd. www.mtishows.co.uk | www.josef-weinberger.com


John Proctor is the Villian

By Kimberly Belflower

What one man calls a witch-hunt, a young woman calls the truth…

Our Students tackle this funny, moving, coming of age story.  With scandal circling their community, an English assignment becomes uncomfortable for a group of students, as they ask what really happened in Salem, examining power, love, and sex education.


The Crucible and John Proctor is the Villain are Leeds Conservatoire productions presented in partnership with Leeds Playhouse.

We're delighted to be able to offer:

  • Key scenes, performed in your school (suitable for all secondary year groups, recommended for GCSE and A Level) 
  • A 60-minute workshop unpicking elements of the texts and productions, delivered by our graduating students (Suitable for GCSE and A Level) 
  • A 60-minute workshop on Careers in the Performing Arts industry, We'll come back and visit you again on another day to talk about study routes and career possibilities

The performance can accommodate as many students as your venue can hold. The workshops take a maximum of 30 students.

We are available to visit your setting between 5-7 November 2024.

The Crucible will be performed at Leeds Playhouse on Thursday 31 October at 2 PM and 7:30 PM.

John Proctor is the Villian will be performed at Leeds Playhouse on Saturday 2 November at 2 PM and 7:30 PM.

Due to the nature of transporting set, equipment and cast of actors, we are limiting availability to schools in West Yorkshire.

When you submit a booking, we'll assess how feasible it is for us to get to you with time to set up ready for your suggested time slot. It may not always be possible to do so but we'll try to make it work. If you are further afield then we'd recommend an afternoon slot.

For the performance, we would require a venue such as a sports hall, auditorium or general school hall. For the workshop, a drama studio-type class room would be best.


All of our actors and visiting staff will hold DBS checks, we will be able to provide the numbers for these prior to our arrival. 

Technical Requirements

We'll ask about what technical capacity is available in your venue as part of the booking process, once we have these details, we will be able to confirm what we require. We'll be bringing our own lighting and sound equipment but its always useful to know what else is available and if you have any in-house tech support. 

To book the tour offer please contact schools@lcm.ac.uk  


For tickets for the Leeds Playhouse performances, please visit their website. Student tickets are charged at £5 and adults £10. 

Fear not! 

We want as many students to be able to access our performances as possible. 

Our actors are performing both productions in the Quarry Theatre at Leeds Playhouse in October and november.

Tickets cost £5 for students and £10 for everyone else. Tickets will be on sale soon and bookable on the Leeds Playhouse website

If you are interested in booking just careers in performing arts workshop, get in touch via schools@lcm.ac.uk 


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