Leeds Conservatoire in Partnership with MediaTracks
Our partnership with MediaTracks, an established and successful library music provider, powers our bespoke Quarry Music student library music platform.
Through Quarry Music, we support talent development within the music industry, while creating new, relevant and authentic compositions for clients and users of library music catalogues.
Check out MediaTracksThe platform, and the content within it, is supported by a team of student interns who are tasked with finding and nurturing talent, inputting accurate data and promoting conservatoire affiliated composers and their releases. As of 2024, four whole albums of licensable music have been released through the platform.
As composers and interns, students can:
Gain income through commercial release of their composed music
Gain direct insight into the music publishing industry
Learn A&R and music publishing skills

Core to the partnership, and powered by MediaTracks experience and expertise, the conservatoire has created this online music library platform to showcase our student and graduate music. The platform and the content within it is supported by a team of student interns who are tasked with finding and nurturing talent, inputting accurate data and promoting our composers and their releases.

Panellists (pictured left to right) intern Chloe Simmons, composer Sam MacDonald and mentor & music consultant Steve Farris. Photo credit throughout: Ian Hodgson
The album, titled Snapshot, is a compilation of styles, genres and moods showcasing the breadth of diverse talent within the conservatoire community, for future placement in films, television, advertisements, games and other multimedia purposes.
In the evening of Monday 6 November, a listening party took place at the conservatoire where the project to date was discussed and Snapshot was played in full. Attendees were treated to tracks from Ella Barr Franco, EL!ANA, Ethan Glover, Chloe Simmons, Peter Norris, Dafs, Ike Greenwood, Sam MacDonald, Evie Kitching and Sam Wilson.
The album is eclectic, opening with Ella Barr Franco’s melodic, eighties nostalgic track ‘Flying Into Miami’ and Sam Wilson’s tranquil, reflective, wistful ‘Nocturne’ at the end.

James Warrender presenting. Strategic Partnerships Manager (Employability & Enterprise) at Leeds Conservatoire
The conservatoire strives to create modern music industry focused opportunities for its community, developing employability and learning experiences for its students and graduates, and creating platforms like Quarry Music to not only promote their brilliant work but also monetise it.

The interns, composers and mastering engineer in attendance. Front row (pictured left to right) Evie Kitching, Eliana Harrison aka EL!ANA, Chloe Simmons, Kea Bell. Back row (pictured left to right) Peter Norris, Sam MacDonald, Ethan Glover, mastering engineering Max Lewis, Ike Greenwood
Partnering with MediaTracks, an existing and successful library music provider, supports talent development within the music industry, while creating new, relevant and authentic compositions for clients and users of library music catalogues. The platform and the content within it is supported by a team of student interns who are tasked with finding and nurturing talent, inputting accurate data and promoting conservatoire affiliated composers and their releases.