Leeds Conservatoire Scores Highest of All Conservatoires UK Members in Two NSS 2023 Categories

By Gemma Cross


Leeds Conservatoire has scored highest amongst Conservatoires UK (CUK) members in two key areas of this year’s National Student Survey (NSS). The institution was ranked top for organisation and management and assessment and feedback. It exceeded the CUK average in all seven areas of the survey.

Leeds Conservatoire Students Performing Macbeth At Leeds Playhouse. Photo Credit Abby Swain

Leeds Conservatoire students performing Macbeth at Leeds Playhouse. Photo credit: Abby Swain

In addition, the conservatoire surpassed the sector wide average (by between two and seven percentage points) for organisation and management and assessment and feedback plus teaching, learning opportunities and academic support.

Professor Joe Wilson, Principal at Leeds Conservatoire, said, “We are so proud of this year’s NSS results and are thankful to our staff for their continued commitment and students for recognising the conservatoire with this fantastic feedback.

 “Leeds Conservatoire has a national and international reputation for creativity and innovation, and for being a truly contemporary specialist teaching institution. Our staff and industry partners are at the cutting edge of their creative disciplines, and our students are encouraged and supported to explore their individual artistic identities in an environment that is rich in diversity and free of aesthetic and stylistic limitations.”

The NSS is managed by the Office for Students (OfS) and gathers students’ opinions on the quality of their courses. This helps to inform prospective students’ choices, provide data that supports higher and further education institutions to improve the student experience, and support public accountability.

As a result of the review of the NSS, the survey questions and response scales changed for NSS 2023. The survey is one of the largest of its kind in the world with over 339,000 responses across the UK this year.

Access further information about the National Student Survey

Find out more about studying at Leeds Conservatoire and courses with places available in Clearing

By Gemma Cross

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