
Our staff are experts in their field, and are active musicians, practitioners, authors and researchers. They are joined by a wealth of industry professionals and visiting professors who regularly come to the conservatoire to impart specialist knowledge to students.

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Archie Churchill-MossSenior Lecturer (Folk)

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Music (Folk)

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Evan DaviesSenior Lecturer: Tutor (Mandolin)

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Music (Folk)

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Pete FloodPrincipal Lecturer (Folk)

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Music (Folk)

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Bryony Griffith
Bryony GriffithSenior Lecturer: Folk

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Music (Folk)

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Jim Moray .jpg
Jim MorayPrincipal Lecturer: Folk

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Music (Folk)

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Rachael Sutcliffe.jpg
Rachael Sutcliffe

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Music (Folk)

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Sam VicarySenior Lecturer in Performance

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Music (Folk), BA (Hons) Music (Popular)

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Mat Walklate
Mathew WalklateLecturer: Folk

Courses Taught: BA (Hons) Music (Folk)

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Sam CarterPrincipal Lecturer: Folk, Popular, Songwriting

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Music (Folk, Roots and Blues), BA (Hons) Music (Popular), BA (Hons) Music (Songwriting)

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