Andrew Potterton

Senior Lecturer: Business, Popular Music, Music Production


Andrew Potterton

Job title: Senior Lecturer: Business, Popular Music, Music Production

Courses taught:  Foundation Year (Pop), BA (Hons) Music (Popular) BA (Hons) Music (Business), BA (Hons) Music (Production)

Specialisms: Music Production, Career development, Theatre, Contemporary dance, Film Production, Music Events

After living and working in the US and various places in the UK, Andrew went on to study a degree in Music Production at Leeds Conservatoire. After graduating he went on to promote music events, while DJing and releasing music on his own label.

 Andrew then went on to work at ITV, followed by some time in Manchester where he supported other musicians with career development and setting up businesses.

Andrew’s notable achievements to date have been music credits on: The Oprah Winfrey Show, MTV Cribs, WWE and WWF Wrestling TV shows, BBC’s Top Gear and The One Show, ITV’s I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here, The Discovery Channel and National Geographic TV networks.

 He has worked in theatre, contemporary dance, film production and music events for over ten years and has been helping musicians develop their careers for the last 5 years.

 Recently, Andrew has been commissioned to create a sound installation for Leeds city council and York city council for Light Night and Illuminating York festivals.

 In his spare time (when not surfing) he can be found in his studio writing music and designing sounds for various projects.

 Andrew is on twitter at: @andrewpotterton

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