Anja Hasselbeck

BA (Hons) Acting

"I'd always been told that if I was serious about pursuing a career in acting, the best thing I could do was to train at a UK Drama School. The training is more thorough and elaborate, and due to the UK's performance industry being as global and international as it is, there's a lot more opportunities once you graduate."

Hi, Anja - We’d love to know where your performing arts journey began?

I discovered my love for performing when I was nine years old. A friend of mine had started going to these weekly acting classes, and naturally - as you do when you're nine years old and your friend is doing something really cool - I asked my parents to sign me up as well. It was pretty much all I ever wanted to do from then on onwards.

How has our course helped you? What are some of the main things you've learned so far?

It's literally turned me into a different person - in a good way! You spend so much time reflecting, collaborating with so many different people, and practising your craft, you can't help but grow into this completely new version of yourself. I'm so much more confident, not only as a performer, but as a person as well.

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What's your take on Leeds? Is it easy to get accustomed to?

I grew up in a tiny town in the Swiss mountains, so moving to a city as bustling and vibrant as Leeds was a slight shock to the system at first. However, I'd always loved being in the city, so I got used to it pretty quickly. It's a creative hub, there's always something going on, so it was pretty easy for me to feel at home straight away.

What drew you to study in the UK? Were there any specific reasons?

I'd always been told that if I was serious about pursuing a career in acting, the best thing I could do was to train at a UK Drama School. The training is more thorough and elaborate, and due to the UK's performance industry being as global and international as it is, there's a lot more opportunities once you graduate.


What do you think are some of the perks of studying your course in the UK?

I think the main perk of studying in the UK as an international student is your use of the language. English is my third language, so being able to use it on a daily basis automatically improved it.

Finally, could you kindly share with us your experience at Leeds Conservatoire so far using just three words?

Transformative, Spirited, and Insightful.

To learn about our BA (Hons) Acting course, click here.

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