Valentina Zanella

BA (Hons) Actor Musician

"Leeds Conservatoire stood out to me from the beginning for how much effort the put in order to offer support and inclusion, and now that I'm here I can say that you truly are supported every step of the way"

Hi, Valentina - We’d love to know where your musical/performing arts journey began?

I started very young playing the accordion and later I started the cello as well. Besides my music studies that continued throughout the years, I've always been interested in theatre and I persued this passion by taking part in a local acting group.

What motivated you to pursue your chosen course, especially at Leeds Conservatoire?

This course allows me to combine my passion for music, acting and dance. I feel like Leeds Conservatoire offers a well rounded training in which all the skills required in the industry are developed equally and gives you a solid base to improve you as an artist from the very beginning.

How has our course helped you? What are some of the main things you've learned so far?

This course has helped me to become more confident in myself and to share my point of view without thinking it's not valuable and without the fear of judgement, things I struggled with in the past. I've learnt a lot about myself through listening to my body and analysing my behaviour in response to different situations.

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How has working with diverse artists in a collaborative environment benefited you?

The biggest change I noticed it's my music taste, because while working with other I discovered new artists and songs that I would not have considered before.

Are there lots of performance opportunities for Leeds Conservatoire students?

Yes, especially I think during the second and third year. However, also in the first year you have the chance to perform in front of your peers.

What do you think are some of the perks of studying your course in the UK?

I think in the UK, unlike Italy in my case, there are more opportunities in the future. Furthermore, all of our teachers work in the industry so it's a great connection to have instead of starting from scratch.

What do you think sets Leeds Conservatoire apart as a choice for international students looking to study in the UK?

Leeds Conservatoire stand out to me form the beginning for how much effort the put in order to offer support and inclusion and now that I'm here I can say that you truly are supported every step of the way.

Finally, could you kindly share with us your experience at Leeds Conservatoire so far using just three words?

Stimulating, Challenging, and Fun.

To learn about our BA (Hons) Actor Musician course, click here.

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