
Our staff are experts in their field, and are active musicians, practitioners, authors and researchers. They are joined by a wealth of industry professionals and visiting professors who regularly come to the conservatoire to impart specialist knowledge to students.

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Prof. Keith AylingSenior Lecturer: Songwriting

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Music (Songwriting), BA (Hons) Music (Popular)

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Caroline BoadenSenior Lecturer: Popular Music

Courses taught: 1:1 drum tuition to Specialist Study students in Foundation Year (Popular), BA (Hons) Music (Popular)

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Danny CopeDeputy Head of School of Popular Music and Voice

Specialisms: Songwriting, Production and Bass Guitar

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Ulrich ElbrachtSenior Lecturer: Popular Music, Jazz

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Music (Jazz), BA (Hons) Music (Popular)

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Jonathan FlocktonSenior Lecturer: Popular Music, MA Music

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Music (Popular), MA Music

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John Garner
John GarnerSenior Lecturer: Jazz, Popular and Actor Musician

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Music (Jazz) & BA (Hons) Music (Popular)

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Dr Jack HarbordAcademic Manager - School of Popular Music and Voice

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Music (Popular), BA (Hons) Music (Songwriting)

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Ben Hennessy-GarsideLecturer: Popular, MA Music

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Music (Popular), MA Music

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Andrew HickeySenior Lecturer: Popular Music, MA Music

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Music (Popular), MA Music

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Dr Nick KatuszonekPrincipal Lecturer: Popular Music, MA Music

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Music (Popular), MA Music (1:1 tutor)

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Craig LeesSenior Lecturer: Popular Music, MA Music

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Music (Popular), MA Music

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Louisa OsbornSenior Lecturer: Songwriting, Popular

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Music (Songwriting), BA (Hons) Music (Popular)

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Andrew PottertonSenior Lecturer: Business, Popular Music, Music Production

Courses taught: Foundation Year (Popular), BA (Hons) Music (Popular), BA (Hons) Music (Business), BA (Hons) Music (Production)

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Colin SuttonSenior Lecturer: Popular, MA Music

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Music (Popular), MA Music

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Julie ThompsonSenior Lecturer: Popular Music

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Music (Popular), MA Music

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Anna UhuruAcademic Manager - School of Popular Music and Voice

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Music (Popular), MA Music

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Sam VicarySenior Lecturer in Performance

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Music (Folk), BA (Hons) Music (Popular)

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Chris MilnesPrincipal Lecturer: Popular, Songwriting

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Popular Music, BA (Hons) Songwriting

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Peter DarlingSenior Lecturer: Popular, Songwriting, MA Music

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Music (Popular), BA (Hons) Music (Songwriting), MA Music

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Sam CarterPrincipal Lecturer: Folk, Popular, Songwriting

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Music (Folk, Roots and Blues), BA (Hons) Music (Popular), BA (Hons) Music (Songwriting)

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Gina Walters Emma Ledwith (1)
Gina WaltersSenior Lecturer: Pop Vocals

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Music (Popular)

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Lauren RycroftSenior Lecturer: Songwriting, Popular

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Songwriting, BA (Hons) Music (Popular)

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Joost HendrickxSenior Lecturer: Popular Music

Courses taught: BA (Hons) Music (Popular)

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